After eating Western food for several months and not having access to proper kitchen appliances and utensils, one's cravings for Asian food can become overpowering.
I would have never imagined myself missing, of all things, PORRIDGE! but here I am, salivating just by the thought of it. The small crispy pieces of fried flour, the spring onions, shallots, century egg, chunks of minced pork...
I don't recall the price of it but when I saw it on the menu I just kept thinking how ridiculous it was.
About ₤6 or so. I could get 4 bowls of that back home but as usual, I was too quick to judge, the portion is good enough for 2-3 people.
Similarly to the dish below. Ridiculous price at first impression but it's good enough for the same no. of people.
Cha Sau Shao Rou Fan
(i don't think this is what they call it here though)
Barbequed pork and crispy roasted pork with rice.
The crispy roasted pork was to die for x.X
Bummer: I haven't found one yet.
Upside: We-me and a friend-ate these 2 dishes at around 2pm. We were still full until 8pm.